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Music is medicine for the soul. This is especially true of music that comes directly from the Word of God. His words can bring healing, comfort, and encouragement like no others, but pairing those words with beautiful melodies implants them in my mind as well as my heart. Our Father often uses music to soothe the soul.

soothe the soul, hidden in my heart, piano, Bible

Originally, I bought the first volume of Hidden in My Heart: A Lullaby Journey Through Scripture for my future daughters. We were in the adoption paper-chase and I wanted something soothing to play for them at bedtime. But first, this touching album became music to soothe my soul. (See posts about our adoption journey here.)

Throughout our long, drawn-out adoption process I listened to these songs often and sometimes used them to help my toddler fall asleep. I played them as I lay in the tub after a long day. I listened, sometimes with tears, after another disappointing adoption delay. The words got “stuck” in my head often throughout the day and I sang scripture to myself or maybe the Holy Spirit sang them to me in times of need.

Music to Soothe The Soul

My favorite song on the first album is adapted from Philippians 4:6-7. “Don’t you worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. And the peace of God, far beyond what we can understand, will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus.”‘

How I’ve needed that reminder over the last three years! Yes, not worrying is much easier said then done, but giving our worries to God brings peace.

The words adapted from Psalm 46:10, “Be still, my soul. Be still, and know that He is God,” also help me remember my Heavenly Father is in control. I am in His hands always.

I did use the songs every night after adopting our girls. Using the same songs until they become familiar helps with a bedtime routine. When we finally started getting tired of them, I bought Volume 2 of Hidden in My Heart. It is just as meaningful, but the first is still my favorite.

These songs still minister to me regularly.

Through recent miscarriages, pregnancy, children’s surgery, hard homeschooling days and more, God uses the music of Hidden in My Heart to remind me of His love and bring me peace through the tears. Scripture lullabies are music to soothe the soul.

Do you need comfort for your soul? No matter what you are facing, God’s word is the answer. No, the problems don’t disappear, but God’s love will sustain you through them. And He can use music along with Scripture as a soothing balm. The repetition of the words from God written to you truly become “hidden in your heart” as you listen.

So you have any suggestions for music to soothe the soul? Please leave a comment that may help others in times of need.

Looking for more about God’s Word? See Silence the Lies in Your Head Through God’s WordPraying the Scriptures to Know God MoreWhen You Feel Like Giving Up.