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How can you help your child have courage to try something new? I remember when my girls first came home from China. One was afraid of nothing; one was afraid of everything. On her first trip to the creek the oldest held my hand and very timidly walked through the water. She jumped at every leaf that floated by and almost had to be dragged to keep her moving. Last week (four years later) she waded into the waves of the ocean for the first time. This time she moved forward unhesitatingly, no longer letting fear hold her back from trying something new and having fun!

How many times do kids let fear keep them from trying something new or give up too easily? Whether it is a new sport, summer camp, a musical instrument, or anything they really would like to try, fear of failing, of not knowing anyone there, or of a number of things can keep them from even starting. (And it’s not just kids! We do the same thing.)

I follow Ruth Soukup because she is a superstar in the blogging world and genuinely interested in helping other bloggers. How to Blog for Profit Without Selling Your Soul sparked my blogging journey. “Do It Scared” has long been Ruth’s motto and is now a best selling book that helps readers identify and overcome their habitual fears. Her latest book is a spin off from Do It Scared crafted into a children’s story: How Big Is Your Brave.

How Big Is Your Brave, published in 2020 by ZonderKids, caught my attention from the beginning because I have always wanted to write children’s books. And, of course, I have children, and I want them to remember that they can still move forward even when afraid. 

How Big Is Your Brave follows the story of a little rabbit who wants to try something new (space camp), but is shy and afraid. With encouragement from her family, Zippy moves forward in spite of her fear, and doesn’t give up when things get hard.

Short quotable gems from the Do It Scared philosophy are scattered throughout the book. Here are a couple of my favorites:

My 7, 8, & 9 year olds love the book and its sweet illustrations! They even made and painted their own paper rocket ships like the characters in the book. (I have no idea why my kids chose the unusual fin placement!)

We’ve read it several times already, I’m sure it will become a family favorite. I will pull it out again and again, especially as they face new challenges and need to keep moving forward even when afraid.

After you order How Big Is Your Brave, check out the free bonuses Ruth has to help kids get the most out of her book. You can download a curriculum guide and activity kit, and you can also watch the story video narrated by the author.

 If your kids are hesitant to try new things, maybeHow Big Is Your Brave will help them not only start, but keep on trying through challenges that are bound to come!

Here are a few other suggestions:  

How To Help Your Child Have Courage to Try Something New

1. Pray with your child. Ask God to give him or her courage to keep going even through nervousness of fear.

2. Read Scripture. Use Scripture to increase faith and remind your child that God is always with us and will help us in every situation. (Psalm 56:3, Joshua 1:9, Hebrews 13:5, John 16:33, Philippians 4:19, Matthew 10:31) 

3. Walk through what to expect in the new situation. Talk about it, visit a new place if possible, and maybe even act out possible scenarios. 

4. Read books like How Big Is Your Brave that show others who do not let fear keep them from trying something new. 

5. Help them focus on the reason for doing the new thing, then fun they will have, and the positive results to come. As Ruth Soukup says, “Your why must be bigger than your fear.”


 I received How Big Is Your Brave in exchange for my honest review, but I probably would have bought it anyway! (Don’t tell Ruth!) Books are my weakness! And, who knows, maybe I’ll be brave enough to publish children’s books one day as well.

Have yours kids tried something new and scary lately? How did it go? How did you help your chid have courage to try something new even when afraid and to keep going through challenges?

Remember the words of the Psalmist, “What time I am afraid I will trust in thee.” (Psalm 56:3)


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