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High School Graduation is a big deal. Your homeschooled graduate may not have the crowd of hundreds applauding and cheering, but he or she deserves recognition and celebration. Try these five ways to celebrate your homeschool graduate this spring!


ways to celebrate your homeschool graduate over grads holding diplomas


5 Ways to Celebrate Your Homeschool Graduate


1. Hold a Graduation Ceremony.

Gather your family and friends. Order a cap and gown from Amazon. Let your homeschool graduate march down the aisle. Join in with other local homeschool graduates if you’d like, but it’s okay to just focus on your one!

Hold your graduation at your church or local community center. Even if Covid restrictions mean it has to be just your family. Print a program and  celebrate your homeschool graduate with Pomp and Circumstance! Finish with a reception and  delicious cake!

2. Participate in a Senior Baccalaureate service with your local church.

Churches often celebrate high school graduates, including homeschoolers with a Baccalaureate or Senior Recognition service. It’s a great time to challenge graduates to serve and glorify God with their lives after high school. If your church doesn’t have one planned, suggest it to your pastor or youth minister.

(Read Devotional Letters for College Students for another way to help your graduate pursue Jesus beyond high school.)

homeschool graduates holding diplomas

3. Present your graduate an official High school diploma.

My oldest two children homeschooled all the way through. They never really wanted to go to public school like many kids. They had plenty of public school friends who told stories of fights and drama, then said, “You should try it for a year.” Thankfully, they weren’t convinced, lol. We did not use an accredited program, so transcripts and diplomas were on me!

A diploma is a physical reminder of all your graduate has accomplished. Make it look official and formal so it will be something to proudly display. I ordered gold foil paper, gold achievement seals, and a diploma folder on Amazon, then printed beautiful diplomas for my 2020 graduates.  

I made ours into templates in case you need to print your own as well! You can purchase my templates and personalize for your graduate. The easy to use PDF file includes both Christian and secular versions with instructions to personalize and print! 

samples of printable homeschool diploma templates for high school graduates

Rather have it all done for you? Purchase personalized printable Homeschool Diplomas here!

4. Party!

Of course, the obvious way to celebrate your homeschool graduate is with a party! Covid has made that difficult in many places, so adapt for safety, but plan a night to remember! Ideally, you would make it a big deal with lots of family and friends, but do what you can! Music, snacks, games — whatever your graduate enjoys!

5. Create a memory/advice video.

Since we couldn’t be with friends and family for a 2020 graduation party, we had a parade to celebrate our homeschool graduates, and we asked friends and family to send us video with their congratulations and advice. We put the parade and advice videos together on our computer for a special keepsake our kids will always cherish. I have kept special papers and project through the years that I hope one day preserve for my grads, but a video is easier and longer lasting.


My oldest kids’ “last first” day of school!

Homeschooling may have been a long, hard journey, but those precious memories of leaning together will last a lifetime.

Congratulations to you, mom and dad!!! You deserve a celebration as well! Maybe your graduate won’t thank you today, but . . . . one day they will understand the sacrifice. And, you’ve been obedient to your calling from the Lord who is faithful to His promise that you will reap in due time (Galatians 6:9). That is worth celebrating! 

Begin planning to celebrate your homeschool graduate today, and don’t forget to check out my High School Diploma templates