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When God called us to adopt from China, we had no idea how we would pay around $30,000 to bring our daughter home. He gave us enough to get started, and we began saving and fundraising. We knew God would provide, even if that meant getting a loan He would help us pay off over time. Through His amazing blessings, we had nearly all we needed when God led us to our other daughter and nearly double the expenses. Before, we had considered a Both Hands Project, but decided we didn’t need it. Later, God’s plan and timing led us to apply for a grant that also allowed us to work through Both Hands, our best adoption fundraiser.

Initially, we applied for a grant through Chosen and Dearly Loved, a wonderful organization that provides financial support for special needs adoptions. They also provide emotional support both before and after the adoption. We have enjoyed connecting with Catherine Theraiult, and this connection also led us to start a local Replanted group to support adoptive and foster families.

Lifesong for Orphans oversees a number of adoption grants, including ones from Chosen and Dearly Loved. We applied, received an amazing matching grant for $4,000, and qualified for a Both Hands Project. 

We fell in love with the Both Hands concept immediately. Founded by J.T. Olsen, author of The Orphan, The Widow, and Me, the Both Hands foundation is based on following James 1:22, “Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: To visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”

How A Both Hands Project Works

With Both Hands, an adoptive family connects with a widow and finds ways to serve and meet her needs. The family forms a Both Hands Volunteer Team of friends and family who will help work on the widow’s home. The team members send letters to their friends and family to seek sponsors, much like one would for a 5K race or charity golf tournament, but instead of recreation or exercise, the member is serving a widow.

Those who wish to donate send their money directly to an account set up by Lifesong for the adoptive family. The team members do not collect any money. They simply share the need and a few reminders, then volunteer to serve on the set project date. Both Hands staff give families resources and personal help through the entire project.Both HandsAt first, the money came in slowly. Before our project day we did not have many donations; however, our day spent serving was wonderful! Many more volunteers than expected showed up to work. We spent time visiting with Ms. Billie. Everyone cooperated happily and willingly. So many people gave of their time to do what the Body of Christ is supposed to do anyway. 

My husband and I knew that even if another penny did not come in, we had done what God called us to do and received immeasurable blessings. The transformation of her home and yard, and the smile on Ms. Billie’s face filled our hearts with joy. 

This is the video we created after the project. I love sharing what God did in our lives and for Ms. Billie through Both Hands, our best adoption fundraiser!

The eternal blessings were satisfying, but God wasn’t through. The money did come. Over the next several weeks, as we continued to check our account with Lifesong, people donated over $11,000 (plus $4,000 from the matching grant) to help bring our girls home!

Is God leading you to adopt?

Are you scared of the financial burden?

Don’t let that stop you!

Trust your Heavenly Father, who owns the cattle on a thousand hills, to provide however He sees fit. 

Perhaps one way He will provide is through a Both Hands Project , and our best adoption fundraiser may be yours as well! Check their website for more information. Pray for this ministry, as well as for the adoptive families and widows it supports.

Questions about adoption? I’ll be glad to answer what I can in the comments!

For more about our call to adopt, see Beginning Our Adoption Journey.

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