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So many more families are choosing to homeschool their children this year, primarily due to Covid-19. Looking ahead is both exciting and overwhelming! Mae Lena Rainey, homeschooling mom of four, has some excellent advice for new homeschooling moms. She has been homeschooling eight years and is eager to help newbies have the best year ever! Read what Mae Lena has to say to YOU!

Advice for New Homeschool Moms from a Veteran


 For all the new parents out there taking a big leap and homeschooling for the first time, I just want to give all of you a little advice before you get started this year….

1. Breathe. Everything is going to be okay. You will not damage your kids! You will not fail your kids. You are the one that loves them and wants them to succeed . . . more than anyone else on this planet.


2. Curriculum. This is a hard one. They all look good, but this curriculum needs this, or that curriculum needs that, etc. No curriculum is ever perfect; don’t expect it to be. You may end up throwing it out the window in 3 months because you’re crying, the kids are crying, the dog is crying, & everybody’s had enough of it. Guess what? That’s ok! I’m pretty sure we’ve all done it!

 3. Do NOT try to create “school” at home. This will drive you and the kids over the cliff! You will have to play around with your schedule. You may have one child that rises with the sun and is eager to get started with lessons first thing in the morning. The next child may want to sleep until 11 am, eat a combination of breakfast and lunch at the same time, and still will take two more hours before he’s ready to get started. “Jesus, take the wheel” if you have three or more–it’s going to be mass chaos! Refer back to #1.


4. Socialize! Find a group in your area!!!! This decision will make or break you. Join a group, get to know people in your area, participate in any activities, play dates or field trips they have. Your kids need it, and so do you (you’ll realize this after about two-three weeks of being cooped up with these little monsters trying to teach them.)


5. Breathe! Yes, I said it again. Don’t expect everyday to be perfect. They are kids, they have bad days just like adults do, and IT IS OK to take a day off and rejuvenate. This might be a good day to pack a lunch and go to the zoo or local museum.


6. Learning is in anything and everything around you. Education does NOT solely come from books. Bake, sew, draw, paint, take nature walks through the woods or a walk on the beach looking for seashells, play games indoor or outdoor, go swimming, take a road trip, visit grand parents, go grocery shopping and let them plan the menu, give them a budget….please don’t ever let an opportunity pass you by for them to learn “outside the box.”


7. Enjoy this time that you have with them. Let this experience be fun. Whether it’s going to be until they graduate or just until next school year, ENJOY THEM!


8. Last one! Believe in yourself! You can do this! You’ve got this, Momma! You are the greatest teacher they will ever have on earth!


I hope each and every one of you have an awesome school year!

Thanks so much for sharing your advice for new homeschooling moms, Mae Lena!

Mae Lena Rainey is also a “playologist” for  Simply Fun. She spends time playing fun and educational games with her family, then sharing their experience on her Facebook page. She has a wonderful variety of games that reinforce math, language, logic, geography, and much more! Visit Simply Fun to find out more, order games, or even become a “playologist” yourself! Playing is the best and most fun way to encourage learning that sticks!

 Remember, God will equip you for the task to which He has called you–raising children for His glory! Homeschooling is not easy, but the time you spend with your children is incomparably valuable.

If you find this post helpful, please share it on Pinterest and your favorite social media outlet!

Do you have any advice for new homeschooling moms or any questions I can try to answer? I’d love to hear from you in the comments!

More on Homeschooling From I Want Them to Remember